Seabirds and Seawatching
Over the last twenty years or so there has been a tremendous
increase in interest in the study of seabirds. I suppose it all began during
the Second World War when birders, conscripted into the navy s on both sides,
were compelled to scan the sea horizons in search of enemy ships and
submarines. What a gift to a birder of the 1940s ! What would it have felt like to ‘up periscope
‘and see a Great Shearwater at 20 feet staring into the lens ? There must have
been competition amongst some sailor birders to do the extra shift or so on
deck with binoculars. It’s a pity that the sailors did not keep accurate
records of what they saw – or did they.
If they did they would make fascinating reading.
But now back to the present – and the present in Ireland. We
are a small country with a fluctuating population of about 5 million. Only
about 250 of us could be described as active birders (equipped with binoculars,
telescope a few bird books at home, and the will to go out looking for birds on
a regular basis – perhaps every week.) This means that we miss most of the
birds which visit our country and as a result many interesting birds go
unrecorded. This situation is magnified when it comes to seabirds. Recent times
have seen enormous advance in the standard of optical equipment , including
cameras, but seeing and identifying seabirds is very difficult at the
best of times let alone in poor visibility, in the wind when you cannot keep
the scope steady, your hands are cold, you are probably wet and the birds are a
mile or so away.
So how is it done ?
Well the first thing to do is get close to the birds and in West Cork
there are many headlands which jut out into the sea enabling us to reduce the
distance to the birds. Secondly we must chose weather conditions which drive
the birds closer to land – generally this means strong SW winds which have
originated out in the Atlantic. And thirdly we must choose a good ID book –
preferably a modern book devoted to seabirds. Perhaps the most valuable tool in
the box is an experienced companion to help you on the first few headland
excursions. Sea watching is completely different to watching
land birds and it is unlikely that you will be able to find and identify a bird
at a long distance for the first time which is flying at great speed without
the help of an experienced sea watcher. Most of the ID is done on size, shape
and the way the bird flies. Colouration, if you see any, is a bonus. As in life
generally we learn from each other. There are excellent birders in Ireland but
very, very few excellent sea watchers. This is because we cannot get the
practice required. We cannot study seabirds at close quarters like we can
garden birds for instance. Going out a few times with a good sea watcher is
invaluable before you ‘get you eye in’. I managed to get my eye in at an early
age in 1967 on the east coast of England at Spurn Bird Observatory – a very
poor place to sea watch. There lived there at the time one of the UKs best
birders named George Edwards. George was a wildlife film make working for Colin
Willock who produced the Survival TV documentary series. He was very well
travelled and had spent many years filming in the Southern Ocean both on the
Falklands and on South Georgia . One day a young birder ran into the observatory
exclaiming that he had seen a Great Shearwater. George asked him for a
description and then said that he thought that it was not a great shear. The
youngster then asked quite indignantly how George would know, and how many had George
ever seen anyway. George replied ‘’I have eaten
more Great Shearwaters than you will ever see in your life ‘’ The youngster was
very chastened. That young birder now has several of George’s bird paintings on
his wall at home – George was also a gifted artist. George eventually taught me
a great deal about birds.
Where to go. As I
said the best place to go is a local headland. The best in West Cork are Severn
Heads, Galley Head, The Old Head of Kinsale, Toe Head and Mizen Head. There are
others and it makes sense to choose the one closest to home so that you can
practise more often. It’s worth mentioning that probably the best sea watching
site in Europe exists at Blannan on Cape Clear. Blannan juts out into the
Atlantic more than anywhere else in the South West but is access is difficult involving a ferry crossing, a long walk across
the island and a dangerous traverse of 300 meters along a ‘goats path’ along
the cliff edge in order to reach the best viewing spot.
When to go ? The best times are in autumn from
about early August to the end of October.
What can be seen ? As
I write on the 21st of August, there have been some great seabirds
in West Cork already this year. Good birds, from a seawatching point of view,
are birds like Cory’s Shearwater, Great Shearwater, Feas Petrel, Sabine’s Gull
and Skuas (Great, Pomorine and Actic) and best of all a Bulwers Petrel. There
have also been sightings of many Puffin, Guillimot and Razorbill. Manx
Shearwater can now be seen daily in large number s and will probably reach a
peak in mid September with perhaps 8,000 to 10,000 per hour passing the
headlands. These birds have a very interesting breeding biology too complex to
cover here and in the SW we see only a minute insight into their very interesting
‘big picture’.
The only downside to seawatching is that at its best it is
done in very poor (for us) weather conditions so if you go don’t forget some creature comforts such as a snack, a warm
drink, some waterproof clothing and something comfortable to sit on ( a fold up
chair is ideal ). So next time you see SW gales forecast on RTE,
pause a second and consider a few hours on the coast you might be glad that you
did. Michael Cobley
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